We own, manage and develop commercial real estate in urban areas, and we are a partner in complex and challenging real estate and city development projects. With a leading competence and experience in managing, coordinating and implementing large projects, we are a driving force in the shaping of new city areas and places.
As a real estate company we focus on long-term relations and to secure high standards of quality for all of our clients and partners. We also strive to combine architectural values with high efficiency and progressive solutions. We have strong relations within both the business sectors and public administration as well as a network of professionals within real estate. We work with leading construction engineers, architects and consultants to realize the unique potential of each specific location.
Together with our partners we identify urban areas with a great development potential in order to create maximum long-term value for tenants as well as contractors and the society at large. In the development projects we see ourselves as an integral part of the development journey of our client. Our ambition is to continuously serve our client and partners with the best commercial solutions possible given the circumstances.

We are a private real estate company. Our business idea is to buy, actively manage and refine centrally located properties in Stockholm. We also own properties in the central part of Sweden. Furthermore, NFF Nordic is a development partner with a focus on properties with large untapped potential in the greater Stockholm area. Our primary objective is not to sell and buy property but to act with a pronounced long-term view based on stability, accountability and high customer satisfaction. By our mission to concentrate on properties in central locations and with great potential, we do also play an active part in the development of Stockholm as a city.

We have major experience from complex real estate projects including cutting-edge architecture, challenging locations including high aesthetic standards and quality of material.
We are also used to manage red-tape issues and complicated processes, including the required networks of consulting specialists and sub-suppliers.
NFF Nordic develops northern Farsta into a more vibrant urban community with increased residential space. NFF Nordic's property Stockholm Sillö 5 will be expanded from its current 35,000 sqm to 83,000 sqm, and hundreds of housing units will be added. The project will develop the area from scattered buildings to a safe and vibrant neighborhood. The project is done in collaboration with White Architects.

As a buyer and seller of properties, we value a high level of integrity and we guarantee complete discretion in each transaction.
We value long-term relationships. Our primary objective is not to realize quick appreciations in property value but to be a reliable partner who continuously works to find the best solutions for each customer’s needs.
We have a long experience of managing, coordinating and implementing major real estate projects in cooperation with contractors and architects. Through our strong network of contacts in the business community, public administration and the property sector, we deliver effective and innovative solutions.

If you have any questions. please contact:
Fredrik Möllerström
Mobile: +46 (0) 76-645 08 61
E-mail: fredrik@nffnordic.com